CRDM Code of Conduct
The below guidelines apply to the various public areas in premises occupied by CRDM.
The following behaviours are not acceptable under these guidelines:
1. Behaviour, which is disruptive and interferes with the use and enjoyment of the facility occupied by CRDM.
2. Harassment of other teachers, pupils, parents or any other members of the public by use of abusive, racist, obscene or threatening language or behaviour.
3. Use of violence or threat of violence towards other teachers, pupils, parents or any other members of the public.
4. Malicious damage to and/or theft of items/property belonging to CRDM and others.
5. The use of alcohol smoking including vaping and illicit drugs in the Feis venue while attending Feiseanna run by CRDM.
6. CRDM accept no responsibility for damage or loss to personal property including vendors
7. Approaching Adjudicators is strictly prohibited. Only a teacher of CRDM is permitted to approach a results table after the result has been called.
The following behaviours are encouraged by CRDM
8. Neat dress is essential at all times while attending Feis run by CRDM.
9. Teachers need to be aware that you hold a position of authority. You represent your school and CRDM. Please be aware of comments you make when posting information on social networking sites, as some comments can cause offence to others.
10. Attendance at all meetings is required unless you are ill or on holidays.
11. Please contact the regional committee with any queries you may have unless there is a conflict of interest.
Code of Conduct Declaration
I have read and fully understand the above.
Teacher’s Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _____________
For Office Use Only
Received by: ________________________________________
Date: _________________