Organisation Core Rules

Competition Rules/Code of Practice

Effective from January 2016

1. Core Rules for all Feiseanna
1.1. CRDM reserves the right to refuse entries from any competitor/dance school.
1.2. Feis organisers retain the right to refuse admission to their event and may remove any persons from the venue should the occasion arise.
1.3. Entries will only be accepted from teachers of CRDM or those on the approved Visitors list. Entries will not be accepted from parents or dancers.
1.4. The use of flash, video, digital or motion picture cameras is strictly prohibited except during presentations. This includes the use of mobile/cell phones. This is accordance with Child Protection Guidelines.
1.5. Under NO circumstances is there any smoking including vaping in an arena. When smoking outside please place waste in the bins provided.
1.6. Under NO circumstances is alcohol permitted at any CRDM event. If a person is found consuming alcohol the perpetrator will be asked to leave the venue. If a person cannot abide by the rules as set out by CRDM they will be asked not to attend any events run by CRDM.
1.7. Parents will be held responsible for the behaviour of their children. Children should not be allowed to run around the venue or have raised voices.
1.8. By attending any event that is being run by CRDM parents, dancers and teachers are agreeing to abide by the rules of the organisation. These include code of conduct and social media rules.
2. Non-Sporting Behaviour
2.1. When results are being called, dancers must applaud every competitor.
2.2. No shouting, booing or catcalling up to the stage.
2.3. Bullying of fellow competitor or their supporters will not be tolerated. The following procedure will apply if a person is found to be guilty of bullying:
2.3.1. For a 1st offence a verbal waring will be given and said person will be asked to leave the venue.
2.3.2. For a 2nd offence a written warning will be given and said person will be asked to leave the venue.
2.3.3. If a 3rd offence occurs the offender will no longer be welcome to participate or attend any events run by CRDM.

At all times CRDM requires all teachers, competitors, and their supporters to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the classes, the organisation and the culture they represent.

3. Grades & Steps
3.1. Teachers/Dancers must ensure that dancers are competing in the correct age group and grades.
3.2. Under 4/Tiny Tots competitions are non-graded. All other age groups are graded.
3.3. Dancers are permitted to enter only one age group for each dance in any grade.
3.4. There must be a minimum of six competitors in solo or figure competitions for the result of the grade of the winner to be affected. Feis organisers will reflect this on their result sheet.
3.5. Regrading of dancers is not permitted. If a CRDM dancer competes in another organisation’s Feiseanna and wins any dances they must move up to the next grade for those dances.
3.6. Visiting dancers are not permitted to regrade when competing in CRDM Feiseanna. Results will be obtained to verify the grades of dancers.
3.7. All dancers performing in the A grades must dance basic A steps.
3.8. All dancers performing in the B grades must dance basic B steps. However, front clicks and rocks are permitted.
3.9. The standard of steps performed in Intermediate Light Jig and Single Jig must be similar to those performed in the A & B grades.
3.10. The Lead Around of light solo dances and the Treble Jig may be performed on the right foot twice.
3.11. The Lead step of the Hornpipe, Traditional & Modern Set Dances must be performed on both the right and left feet.
3.12. All steps after the Lead around must be executed on both the right and left feet.
3.13. Traditional Set Dances must be performed in a traditional manner.
3.14. The Rally Reel shall be danced as one step down the line.
3.15. No En Pointe, toe walking movements either stationery or moving are permitted by dancers up to and including Under 11 age categories.
3.16. Dancers that are aged 11 are not permitted to execute En Pointe movements if they are competing in the Under 12 age categories.
3.17. If a dancer stops, they will receive zero marks.
3.18. If in an Open Championship a dancer does not perform a modern set dance in the opposite timing to their heavy round they will receive zero marks for that round.
3.19. Once entries have been received dancers may not change the timing of either their heavy or set dance rounds.
3.20. Dancers are to perform the following number of bars:
3.20.1. All solo dances (except A Slip Jig) 32 bars
3.20.2. A Slip Jig 24 bars
3.20.3. A, B & Intermediate Awards 32 bars
3.20.4. Preliminary Championships 32 bars
3.20.5. Open Awards Under 5 & 6 32 bars
3.20.6. Open Championships Reel & Treble Jig– 40 bars
Slip Jig & Hornpipe – 32 bars
3.20.7. Traditional set Dances Lead & Set (set on right foot only)
3.20.8. 2 & 3 Hand Reels 40 bars


Printable Competition Core Rules